releases online game on Singh is King
Mumbai: (G2W), has released an online game on Singh is King starring Manmohan Singh. It is a hilarious take on the Indian Prime Minister's action-packed political career.

Users take on the avatar of Manmohan Singh and must race towards the crown against all odds. With the Opposition Party chasing Singh from one end and several ferocious obstacles hampering the escape – users must jump, duck and pull all stunts to avoid the barriers and reach the throne – that finally makes him King.

Obstacles in the game are factual incidences witnessed on the Indian socio-political scene like the Indo-US nuclear deal, suicidal farmers, the CPI, rising inflation. Add that up with George Bush, rising oil prices, crashing Stock Markets and allegations of bribing MLA's! Singh is King turns out to be one ironic and rib-tickling online gaming experience's ever

Says Games2win founder and CEO Alok Kejriwal "Indian politics is such an exciting, riveting state of affairs. Things can get gloomy and frustrating sometimes too and Singh is King focuses on the humour of it all. The game is a parody through and through - from the title to the game concept."

He adds, "The game is easy to play and gets users to laugh along the way too. Of course, the game is a salutation to the courage and determination of Manmohan Singh – who is the undisputed Singh-King."
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